Working with a Atomos Ninja 2 , I've started to notice that every time I've loaded the HUD , the signal would go from Progressive to Interlaced
Its possible to get a Full HD , progressive signal 4:2:0 with the HUD on
But if we move frame by frame we can see that even with progressive signal we get an interlaced Menu
This is actually problematic , if this is the first thing Atomos Ninja 2 sees, it will detected that the HDMI signal is interlaced instead of progressive .
From the Atomos Manual
So in order to avoid this error, the steps to connect correctly to a Atomos recorder are :
Power the camera
Set the correct settings ( ISO/ Aperture / Shutter speed )
Disable the HUD ( either using the Script hack or being in Movie mode )
Connect the HDMI and turn Atomos on
It will register as 1080i50
Click it once so it changes to 1080p25
Check if its correct by waving your hand and checking if there's no evidence of interlacing
Happy recording!