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Setting up Canon M6 properly for Atomos Ninja 2

Working with a Atomos Ninja 2 , I've started to notice that every time I've loaded the HUD , the signal would go from Progressive to Interlaced

Its possible to get a Full HD , progressive signal 4:2:0 with the HUD on

But if we move frame by frame we can see that even with progressive signal we get an interlaced Menu

This is actually problematic , if this is the first thing Atomos Ninja 2 sees, it will detected that the HDMI signal is interlaced instead of progressive .

From the Atomos Manual

So in order to avoid this error, the steps to connect correctly to a Atomos recorder are :

  • Power the camera

  • Set the correct settings ( ISO/ Aperture / Shutter speed )

  • Disable the HUD ( either using the Script hack or being in Movie mode )

  • Connect the HDMI and turn Atomos on

  • It will register as 1080i50

  • Click it once so it changes to 1080p25

  • Check if its correct by having your hand and checking if there's no evidence of interlacing

Happy recording!

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