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Pseudo Log colour space

Having camera that shoot video but don't have log could be a big set back of using it in your productions .

Since Magic lantern isn't supported for my camera

I was looking for a hacky way to store something similar to log, Technicolor has a settings profile that you can install and use it as a pseudo Log colour space .

  • Sharpness: 0

  • Contrast: -4

  • Saturation: -2

  • Color Tone: 0

  • ISO: a multiple of 160

Stored it for myself also here in case it disappears

LINK to profile : Cinestyle

So this 2 image were taking using the same settings except the image settings profile

Default profile

Cinestyle profile ( pseudo log )

In resolve we are then able to reverse the log back to a rec 709/ Srgb like colour profile using a cineStyle LUT

Its basically a S curve

Loading in the pseudo log, do your colour correction, have at the end Log > Rec709

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